Regina Curley

Aug 6, 20213 min

💗 It’s all coming back to me now!

Guest Blogger ; Kathryn Moloney of Enfield Healing Centre

Isn’t it amazing how memories can be triggered ? A got a text from a very special lady a few weeks ago telling me how she had found something of mine and just like that, all those fond memories came flooding back in ...💕

Well my journey began more than 20 yrs ago now, at the time I was working as a hotel receptionist and although I loved working with the public, I didn’t enjoy the shift work and weekend work. I was at a crossroads. I saw an ad for a meditation group that was being run literally across from my home and I saw this as a sign. Turns out the chap that ran this group was a reformed drug user and over the weeks he really inspired me.

Well low and behold, the synchronicity didn’t stop there ..a few weeks later a local newspaper came through my door and I sat down one day with a cup of coffee to read it. I saw an advertisement for a massage course and it immediately caught my eye. After so much negative self talk like “you wouldn’t be able to do that”, “why would you waste money on a hobby when there’s loads of stuff needed for the house”, “you’ve a grand reliable job, why would you want to change anything”, I decided to feel the fear and do it anyway and with the full support of my husband, I went for it and went for it I did as I haven’t looked back since.

I don’t know if any of you remember the First National Building Society, at the time they were offering dividends to their customers, so I used this money and signed up . The name on the end of the advertisement was Regina’s. I remember being so nervous making that call. But from the get go Regina’s compassion and wicked sense of humour put me right at ease and I knew we would get on like a house on fire, so she went on to be my wonderful teacher

and also became a very special friend, you know the kind of friend that you may not talk to every week but when you do, you just take off where you left off with the greatest of ease. 😊

From the minute I began this journey, I knew I had found my gift 💗. I am always amazed how the littlest steps lead you to where you are meant to be.

So that very special lady ... Regina, who text me telling me she had found my application for my very first diploma course all those years ago, helped start me on my wonderful journey, a journey that’s not over yet, a journey that has helped me grow and transform into the woman I am today, and for that Regina, I will be forever grateful 💕.


If you're looking for ultimate relaxation and a healthier you - you've come to the right place. Kathryn is a highly qualified professional who provides a variety of treatments and tailors each session to suit your needs on the day.


💗 Guest Bloggers always welcome!

I strongly believe in women empowering women so if you fancy being a blogger for the day then do please reach out!







