
May 19, 20222 min

💗 Moments of Solace

I met Joyce through ‘Massage Matters’ Facebook group. She was introducing her guidance cards that she had made and as I’m a cardaholic I bought them. They are the ones I use each Wednesday night for The Nurture Niche group.

The Oracle Cards

Through the power of social media, I met Regina through the Massage Matters Facebook group and she kindly asked me to write a few words. I have been working as a holistic massage therapist and reflexologist for the past fifteen years and through my work I have always had a keen interest in the bodies ability to heal once given the support, time and knowledge to do so.

Joyce O’Sullivan

I have always been really passionate about self care and self reflection. I feel it has become increasingly more important and needs prioritising in a persons daily life. Time has sped up over the years as the world has become more fast paced. We now need to trust more than ever that we still have our own innate wisdom within, though it may be more difficult to hear. This inner wisdom can be clouded by the busyness of life, and result in seeking the answers outside rather than trusting the soul within.


As a result of multiple discussions around self care and self reflection with clients, I had a strong sense that there was more I could do to support their self care at home and so Moments of Solace Daily Guidance Oracle cards came to life. Inspired by the word Solace, I recognise that we all need Solace at times even if life is going well. Solace means to provide comfort or consolation in a time of stress.

Moments of Solace Guidance Cards

" Oracle cards can be used daily as a self care, self reflection tool. Moments of Solace Oracle cards consist of 40 cards, each with an image, a word and a quote on them. The quotes are chosen to encourage you to listen to your own wisdom and trust what's important right now. "


When I was creating the deck of cards, I decided to break the word ' Solace' into 6 sections. These sections are Support, Observe, Listen, Accept, Change and Express. I also included a seventh section called Moments. Why seven sections? Each of the 7 sections "Solace Moments" matches up to one of your 7 main Chakra’s. I have also connected to each Chakra, a healing crystal and colour for you to observe as an optional extra. Details can be found in the guidebook that’s provided with the cards.

The Change Card

I wish you well on your self care journey and I feel that it starts with support, such as what Regina offers and what we as humans can offer each other.

Joyce xx

More details can be found on
